I think I had hoped to find someone who could help me have a conversation about this and maybe shine some light that I’m missing. Because I am obviously missing _something_.
I guess we’re both just stuck in our own world of perspective.
But I won’t stop grasping at understanding. Because I disagree. Love is enough. It enables you to do and see and understand another person in ways that would otherwise be impossible.
Think what you want about my situation. And those of my kids. Whatever.
But to accuse me of some kind of saviour mentality speaks to your own preconceptions, biases, and misunderstanding. You cannot possibly know my motivations and I can’t possibly describe them in a comment.
I didn’t mean to pester. I apologise sincerely if I offended. It’s an emotional issue for me, too. I hope you find what you’re looking for, as I hold the same hope for myself.